Sunday, July 14, 2013

Monday Quiz #MQAM

1. July is National Ice Cream month - are you celebrating?
I wish I could.  I did have yummy s'mores ice cream recently, but even a small come made me sick afterwards.  It's this pregnancy aversion thing.  I don't want to have an aversion though.  I did eat a lot of ice cream back in May when we had some from Rob's birthday.  I put marshmallows  chocolate syrup, cherries, whip cream, and nuts in my ice cream so I guess I celebrated early! 

2. What is your favorite rainy day activity?
Sitting on the couch under a blanket with a book or playing on the ipad

3. What is the one book from High School that you remember reading most?  Why?
The Scarlet Letter.  10th Grade (which was 13 years ago. Oh boy!).  I only remember this because my teacher at the time used the phrase 'Hester the molester' and was a creepy old man.  Lots of people loved him, but I was never a huge fan of his.  Sorry if any of my high school friends were. 

4. Have you ever visited Charleston, SC?

Acting Balanced


  1. Oh boy! I wish that I could say it was only 13 years ago that I was in 10th grade. This year is the 30th anniversary of my high school graduation. haha

    Your ice cream concoction sounds super yummy. :)

    Have a great week!

  2. I remember reading the Scarlet Letter. It was so-so.

  3. Love your ice cream! Never read "The Scarlet Letter"
