Tuesday, July 23, 2013

30 weeks (3/4 done)

How far along:  30 weeks.  75% of the way done.  Crazy!

Baby Size: 

Weight:  Apparently my scale has to be broken.  How is it possible I gained 3.5lbs in one week? That puts me up 26 + pounds total.  I'm going to hit the 40 mark and push the 50 pound mark at this rate.


  •  Restless legs/arms.  Not just at night.  During the day too.  I tried calling my ob and primary doctor and they didn't offer me much.  I've had a few people give me suggestions though. 
  • The nausea came back recently, ugh. 
  • I've been having this pain lately in my back and butt.  I figured out over the weekend it's probably the sciatica nerve.   
  • Hair loss
  • Dry skin

Maternity Clothes:  I bought another pair of shorts to sleep in, and then in the heat last week I decided to just sleep in my t-shirt and now I hate sleeping in shorts/pants.  And I went to put on a few tops that I got last month that I haven't even worn yet yesterday.  They don't fit.  At least they are maternity/nursing tanks so I can and will still use them.

Sleep:  Due to the whole restless leg/arm thing I get a few hours a night.  A 2 hour stretch used to be good.  I'm up now every hour-hour and a half.  In my desperation for sleep one night I raided the medicine cabinet and found vicks vapor rub and put that on my legs.  It worked (although it feels weird when it kicks in), so I've been trying it the last few nights.  That plus a tylenol for back pain and tums and my second dose of iron pills has become my nightly routine. 

This is how I feel most nights, but I still don't sleep.

Cravings/Food Aversions:   Still having dairy issues

Belly Button:  I think it's kind of poking out a little at the top. 

Rings on or off: Still on, but I don't wear them much. 

Gender:  Girl

Name:  Eleanor Rose

Movement: I'm still not feeling much movement when I'm up and moving around, but I'm not worried since she moves often enough when I'm sitting down. 

Stretch Marks: I still haven't noticed any. 

Best moment: I washed the newborn clothes and the 0-3 pajamas and got all excited that I'm going to have a kid wear these. And my sister in law gave me some sleep sacks/swaddles for her too!

Looking forward to:  Next week I'm down to single digit weeks!

Nervous about:  Finances, losing the baby weight (I know that it's way to early to be thinking about it)

What I miss:  Sleeping on my right side.

Labor signs: Not yet

Appointments:  Next week I have a checkup.  Normally it would have been this week, but my ob is on vacation so it's not until almost 32 weeks.  Then they go to every other week, and at some point (I think 36 weeks) every week.  So really I probably only have 5 or 6 more left before she get's here. 


I was talking to Rob last night about how we only have 10 weeks left and if she comes early even less time.  I was born at 35 weeks so while I don't think that will happen (but what do I really know?) we could have a baby in 5 (ish ) weeks. 


  1. I am 10 weeks behind you :-) hard to believe how fats it goes sometimes... so sorry you are getting nauseous again I know that is not fun

    1. It's really starting to fly by now. Every time I write an update, I feel like I just did one.

  2. Wow, wonderful! Thank goodness you are not having any signs of labor yet, right? You have a perfectly healthy that will go full term. Just expect it. Let's not do any of this - I want this baby out of here stuff. You don't start tht until your 42 weeks :)

    Congratulations on the baby! It's so excited. Her name is so beautiful! It's classic. I love it!

    So, are you decorating/nesting?

    Thanks so much for linking up with us at the Mommy Monday Blog Hop! I will subscribe to all your social media.

    1. I'm sure she's going to hang out past her due date, just because everyone else thinks she will be early and tiny.

      I'm totally getting into the nesting thing. I've washed all the 0-3 month clothes, the sleep sacks and swaddles, and the blankets and bedding.

  3. Oh, your pinterest widget isn't working. You might want to fix that.

  4. You look beautiful...and both mine were born at 42 weeks! Thank you for linking up to Mommy Monday! Will be subscribing in a minute!

    1. Thanks. As a first time mom I really don't know when to expect her. My siblings and I were all early, my sister delivered her son early, but I don't know if that really means anything for me.

  5. Hi, can't wait to see the baby too. Will be praying for you this week. Glad to meet you and follow you. Drop by and see my blog if you get a chance. :)


    1. Thanks for the prayers. They are always welcomed!

  6. Your bump is so cute! Mine was probably double yours at 30 weeks! It was ridiculous! Your blog is cute and Im now following! :)

    Amanda @ Happily Ever After

    1. Thanks! I feel huge though and have no idea how it is still going to get bigger. :)

  7. Congratulations on your pregnancy. I came over from the Mommy Monday Bloghop. Our niece was born last week. Tiny babies are so amazing. It is great that you will get to meet your baby soon.

  8. Lovely update!

    Thanks for linking up with the Tuesday Baby Link-Up! :) Please come back on Tuesday to see if you were featured :)

