Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Just when I needed it.

I was watching a movie today on netflix.  It was  'The Shunning'.  A little cheesy, but I didn't mind it. During one scene in the movie one of the character talks about how she had multiple miscarriages and a late term loss.  Naturally this makes me sad and I cry a little wishing for my babies.
So after a few minutes I calm down, and return to the movie.  Within 5 minutes my phone rings and it's my sister in law (who knows about the losses).  She is asking about Christmas and then she asks how I'm doing and that she is thinking about me and will keep checking in every so often with me.
I can't even explain how much that meant to me.   At the moment I needed someone, she was there, and didn't even know I needed her.
I  am just amazed at the timing of it all.  I think this is one of those times that I just thank God for knowing exactly when I needed and giving it to me.

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