Monday, March 3, 2014

The Eleanor Update: 21 Weeks


Having some latch pain this week. And there have been a few moments where I've lost track of time and it's been close to 3 hours before she's eaten.  I still feed her on demand, but I also feed her when it's convenient.  Like if I'm going to leave and she may have just eaten 45 minutes before,  but I know it would be easier to feed her at home than try in the car I will feed her again.  That probably explains why she's such a big girl. Haha.

Actually I fed her in public twice this week.  I was covered, but I still managed to do it.  I fed her at my nephew's birthday party and then at Outback. 

I'm pretty sure the people behind me may have seen the boob through the top of my cover, but they didn't seem to care.  Our table was right by the door so I had to make sure I was covered, but there was another nursing mom at a table right by us.  

The birthday party was at kids play place and when we left I saw this sign on the door.  It made me happy!

Honestly?  The lack of any routine, consistency or any sort or 'normal' really stresses me out.

She's been waking up by 6:30 every morning. No matter what time she goes to bed, she's still up at that time. 

Naps are still 20-30 minutes.  She did take a 40 minute nap and it was like whoa!

She only wants to comfort nurse to sleep as well.

It makes it really hard to go anywhere.  

The teething as gotten worse this week.  Poor girl.  She's gnawing on those hands and has been so fussy.  I tried these (Teething Tablets ) and they seem to help somewhat.  That plus the Amber necklace (side note: the giveaway ends tomorrow).

We busted out some new toys for her. This one (Stand-Up Ballcano) & This one (Poppity Pop Musical Dino) were hits. She loved them!

Actually she did awesome standing up (See pictures below)

She loves to wake up and claw at my face

My brother's birthday dinner

After church (I loosened the straps when we got home)

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