Thursday, June 19, 2014

Reset Button Please

There are days I wouldn't mind doing over, my high school graduation, my wedding day, the day I found out I was pregnant and despite the fact that Eleanor's birth didn't go the way I had hoped I'd redo that day if it
 meant lots of those sweet brand new baby snuggles. 

Yesterday was not one of those days (although I did put Wednesday socks on her today so maybe 

Eleanor woke up about 1:30 am. I nursed her and she went back to bed. At 4 am I 
was woken by a strong storm. That thunder was so loud it was shaking the windows. It lasted until about 5 - or at least the worst of it. I could not sleep. I wasn't scared (although tornadoes
 frighten me); it was just that loud.I finally drifted off to the sound of distant thunder only to be woken again 
by Eleanor. I fed her, got her back to sleep and round 2 of the storms came through. So by this point it's  
pushing 6 am. I think I finally fell asleep only to have Rob came in a little after 7 (sleeping in the other room), to get clothes and I said goodbye, gave him a kiss and 
was out before he even got in the shower. 

Eleanor woke at 8.  It was still storming.  It down poured and I was checking the radar because I needed to go get a gift for my moms birthday tomorrow. I thought I'd be good. She took her usually short morning nap and I tried to eat while she played on the living room floor but she was crawling all over me trying to get my
 salad so I shared (and so that begins) and then we left. 

We got to the first store-quick stop and when we left it was sprinkling, got to Target and rushed through.  At checkout the sky was very dark  (it was about 1:30). It was starting to rain a little heavier when we ran to
 the car.

Now my car key fob doesn't work which means I have to manual unlock the car.  Not a big deal except my car alarm goes off when I do this. every. single. time.  The only way to stop it is to start the car. So I do that with Eleanor on my lap and get back out of the car and into the back seat to buckle her into her seat.  And 
by the time I'm done it is a downpour and I have to get out to get back into the front seat.  I'm soaked.

I couldn't see more than 20 feet in front of me and my wipers are blasting. Thankfully Eleanor wasn't scared and just watched it.   We get home and it's starting to slow down and I was however also thankful for the

She of course fell asleep just before getting home.  I figured I'd get her out, nurse her and she would fall back asleep.  But that didn't happen.  I tried rocking with her, walking/pacing/swaying with her.  I tried letting her cry it out and still wide awake.  At this point she's slept maybe 45 minutes since waking.

The rain has stopped so I put her in the stroller because that usually works.  I reclined it so she would be
 more likely to sleep but still nothing. 

Finally at 4:45 I decided we need to take a drive as a last ditch resort.  But first I need to blow out the 
candle in the bathroom.  I blow a little to hard and somehow manage to get hot wax in my hair and the 
corner of my eye - but how it missed my actually eye I have no clue. I was okay luckily.

So we get into the car and 1/2 mile later little miss is out.  I drive around for another 15 minutes then sit in the car for 30 before bringing her in.  It's getting to the point where I'm worried she'll be up super late at this 
point so while I bring her in the carseat sleeping, and I don't make any more noise than normal, I'm also not 

While I'm sitting in the garage Rob calls and says he is working late. Yippee!!

So he finally gets home, eats (dinner was at least done in the crockpot) and I go hide in my room with a 
margarita for half an hour.  Then I give her a bath with lots of bubbles thinking she might like that.  When she tried to eat her bubble covered bath toys I realized that wasn't such a great idea.

But after that I nursed her and she went to bed pretty well.

I stayed up for a little but getting a few things done, and about the time I'm getting to head to bed, she wakes back up.  I look at Rob but he is so tired he can't keep his eyes open (his words'; frankly I wanted to smack him...just kidding...and make him get her- that is true.  I'm tired too.)

Oh and she got tooth number two yesterday so add to it teething pain and 

So by the time I finally get into bed its 11:30 and my day is over.

Eleanor decided to pull another wide awake in the middle of the night last night, but other than being 
exhausted the day has been better.  
11:30 to bed

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