Monday, August 11, 2014

The Eleanor Update: 44 weeks

Every time I write a new weekly update post and I write the week number I just want to cry.  She's getting so close to the 52 week mark.  Ugh!

Her sleep Saturday night was horrible.  My mom babysat so we could go to a wedding kid free.  She went to bed earlier than normal which was fine, but then she woke up and was up for 3 hours.  She didn't go to bed until almost 1 am.  It was ridiculous.

Then last night she fell asleep really quickly, slept from 8:30-3:30, was up for almost 2 hours and then I had to wake her at 8:30 (we were going to the zoo or I would have let her sleep in).

I joined the local baby wearing group.  I checked out a woven wrap from the lending library but just need to learn how to use it.  I've tried a few times, but I can't quite get a good wrap.  She pops her seat or is wrapped to loose.

We visited a farm run by a family member of my dads.  She loved sitting in the tractor and seeing the cows.

We also went to the park and even though we have a swing at home a change of scenery was nice.

She learned to play she drop it game.  You know where I pick it (cup/spoon/block/whatever) up when she drops it?  Gets old real fast, but at the same time it's hard not to laugh

She's getting better at independent play.  There are times where she whines if I am more than two feet away but other times she will just happily play by herself for 10-15 minutes.

 She is still hit or miss on watermelon.  She'll eat it but doesn't really eat it with enthusiasm.  Does that make sense?

She loved loved macaroni salad.

She's starting to eat more solids.  She ate a whole jar for my mom.

I dumped a jar of pureed peas on her high chair and she ate some of it with her fingers and just made a huge mess.  But I was calling it a sensory experience. haha.

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