Sunday, October 30, 2016

Eleanor is 3 YEARS OLD!!!!!

The precious girl who made me a momma turned 3.  3!  I mean it's cliche and every single parents says it but how did that happen?

Eleanor is a hoot. This girl is so silly.  She makes up songs and dances and gives me funny faces and I laugh with her every single day.

She's starting to turn into a threenager.  The terrible two's weren't so bad, but the three's will be a challenge because although she is so silly, she's got an independent stubborn streak.  She wants to do things herself and then flips out when she can't. 

She's kind of in between a size 2t and 3t with pants; shirts are pretty good with a size 3t.

Not potty trained yet, but making good progress.  She will go on spurts where she will pee her underwear a lot, but then has those moments where she just totally goes on her own.  At home I just let her go pantless which helps.  When she does have accidents it usually in settings shes not comfortable in or nervous at (like when we are out of the house)

She's not in preschool this year since she missed the cutoff by a week.  I mean we could have but I didn't think it was necessary for her to have three years.  She knows her shapes, colors, recognizes most letters,  She can count to 15 maybe and I'm working on writing letters. 

Her vocabulary is super impressive to me.  I mean as her mom I guess I have to say that but still I'm constantly amazed at what she says sometimes. 

We started her in dance last month.  We wanted her to have some sort of structured activity since she doesn't have any (other than storytime).  She's enjoying it so far and is actually excited about it. 

She is an amazing big sister.  She's sweet and helpful and loves Mallory. 

At her check up recently and she was right around 30 lbs and 36 inches.  That puts her in the 25 percentile for height and 50 percentile for weight.

She doesn't nap often anymore, although most days I think she should still needs one. She sleeps usually around 9-10 hours a night.

Friday, October 21, 2016

~39 weeks~ Mallory

Slightly better at night, but for some reason she thinks she only needs one nap a day.

Mashed potatoes were new and a hit!

Yummy tacos!


Been a pretty big week in terms of new things she can do.

Waving (and saying-or attempting to) hi and bye.

She's gotten up on all fours a few times but then just flops back down.

We were about to have a snack and I was putting hand sanitizer on Eleanor's hands and Mallory totally reached out her hands as well.

So she figured out how to stand up in her crib yesterday.  So dang proud of herself.  Luckily I was in there with her.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Mallory ~38 weeks~

Eating:  I'm not sure if she has tried any new foods this week, but she hasn't been nursing as much  I'm worried my supply will drop and that I've been feeding her to much real food so she doesn't want breast milk.

Misc: Learned about peek a boo this week.  Super cute!

Pulled her self up on a stool from a sitting position.  I looked down and she was standing/leaning on it.

Starting to mimic sounds.  Hilariously cute!

9-6 one night.  She's been hanging out in my bed a lot this last week.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

37 weeks ~Mallory~

Food: Tater tots.

She isn't nursing as much it seems, and sometimes I wonder if I am feeding her to much real food and that's why  The girl really loves her food.

Sleep:  Naps are bad.  Like she'll go 8 hours without a nap, but she has been going down better at night. Some nights there aren't even any wake ups at all although it takes a while still to get her to settle down.

Misc: I don't know.  I think there may be another tooth coming in, but I always think that since it's been a few months since she got the first two.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Mallory: 36 Weeks

Food: Hot dog (cut into teeny tiny pieces), chili, chicken fajitas

Sleep:  We had a few nights where I was ready to bang my head on the wall.  Like how is she not tired she's be up for hours and hours kind of thing. 

Misc: She is such a hilarious girl this week.  The goofy toothy grins kill me! 

8 months: Mallory

Size 2 diapers are starting to get snug.  I'll use what we have and then probably move into the threes. 
Cloth are a little harder to gauge size but I still have her snapped on the smallest rise.

Mallory is outgrowing her six month pants, but the next size is a little to big. Six month onesies are find and almost stretched out thanks to cloth diapers. 

She loves food.  Raspberries are her favorite.  Also apples, crackers, strawberries, noodles, cheerios,  french fries, rolls, and mum mums.

She sits up very well now.

Still has the two bottom teeth.

Says "mama" and "hi"

Sleep is slowly getting better but we still have rough nights.  Thankfully it's not every single night that she takes hours to settle down. Only 4-5 nights a week.  She is still up usually once a night and up at 5:30 every. single. morning.  I can usually nurse her and get an extra 45 minutes if I'm lucky.

She loves the Sophie giraffe toy, the chatter telephone and rolling under the play center.